Hi everyone, as the title suggests we have launched our Founders Fellowship and are looking for your support on crowd funder in exchange for some very tempting rewards. I thought I'd share why we are doing this and a few thoughts.

In a nutshell we have a certain amount of money to get the Steel Cauldron up and running and the property that we have agreed to take is going to take more than we have! We spent about 8 months looking for potential venues in Sheffield and further afield and never found anything that ticked the boxes. This time was really valuable as it made us think about what was really important to us, how big or small could it be, which locations would work and why. On a couple of occasions we thought we had found our cauldron but for various reasons it did not happen and with hindsight we are thankful for this as it has allowed us be where we are today.
We are going to be building the Steel Cauldron in Broomhill, Sheffield at the site of the former Blues Bar and South Seas. It Is close to where we live which will make family life that bit easier whilst also being a pub I have fond and cloudy memories of from my student days. Most importantly it is big enough to do all the magical things we want to do, has an apartment upstairs that is going to allow us to create "The Steel Wizards Rest" and local parking that is reasonably priced and close by. The problem is that it is not currently in a great condition, for some unbeknown reason the previous occupant decided that the boilers, kitchen, emergency lighting, sinks and ….. wait for it..... toilets should be removed!
We could have thought it was too much to take on, maybe we should have, but we didn't and it isn't! We are going to take on this building, it's meant to be! Places like Broomhill need family friendly experiences, families need things like this. It is not going to be easy, we don't want it to be! We have been presented with an opportunity to make a spectacular Steel Cauldron and that is what we are going to do....

We are looking to raise £40,000 via a crowd funder, a big number and one that would make a huge difference to what we can do. We will beg and borrow enough to definitely open but with your support we can do it with dignity and a little bit less pressure.
You can support us from £15 to £300 and every pledge has an amazing reward that can be used when we open. Not only will you get a great deal, we will get a bit of cash flow help during the all important pre-opening phase and a huge boost. The feeling when a pledge comes in is great, every device seems to ping and it makes us know we are doing the right thing, people want The Steel Cauldron in Sheffield and together we are going to create something magical.
So please visit our crowd funder page (this is a link), become a member of our founding fellowship and maybe even get your photo on the wall!
Thanks for your support.
Rob and Nikki